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HipSaver - The only hip protector in Australia endorsed by the APA

HipSaver are the worlds leading soft hip protector. Available in many sizes and designs they are comfortable to wear and proven to be effective in the battle to protect against hip fractures.

Hip Protectors save lives!

Hip injuries, resulting from falls, are the leading cause of injury death and the main cause of nonfatal injuries that limit independent living among people 65 years and older. While medications, such as sedatives and anti-anxiety drugs, often increase the risk of falls and fall-related injuries, poor vision, and just difficulty in moving from place to place put the elderly at risk of a fall that may result in a fatal or debilitating hip injury or hip fracture.

In Australia HipSaver Hip Protectors are registered by HealthSaver with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and as such are listed on the ARTG (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods) as a Class 1 Medical Device. Registration Number 165374.

HipSavers are the only hip protector endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA). Products endorsed by the APA are put through a robust and rigorous process of assessment and peer review before being endorsed. The fact that the APA has endorsed HipSaver means that you can rest assured that you are buying a safe, effective, professionally-credible, high quality product.

HipSaver is the only hip protector in Australia endorsed by The Australian Physiotherapy Association

HipSaver SlimFit style

HipSaver Shorts

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