Skil-Care Foam / Gel Comfort Products
Bed & wheelchair positioning & cushioning, pressure relief, protective products and tactile sensory pads
Improve posture and comfort
Key Benefits
The products in this section address the resident's needs for comfort and good posture while sitting in a wheelchair or lying in a bed for prolonged periods of time. Good posture is an advantage for the resident since it enhances comfort and maximizes the opportunity to complete normal tasks. Proper position also contributes to reduction and prevention of pressure sores by distributing interface pressures
About Skil-Care
Founded in 1978, Skil-Care Corporation has been developing and designing products for nursing homes, hospitals, rehabilitation facilities, and home care settings worldwide for over 30 years. Our ultimate goal is to enhance resident care and in addition, to assist healthcare facilities in reducing the occurrence of skin breakdown in the bed or wheelchair. Other areas of focus are: fall safety (mats, alarms), resident safety (smokers apron, belts), pressure reduction (cushions, padding’s), bed and wheelchair positioning, mattresses, skin protection, gait and transfer assistance, exercise, bariatric accessories, sensory stimulation, physical restraints and numerous other products that are essential at home or in an institutional setting. Skil-Care manufactures over 95% of the products in the U.S. at the facility located in Yonkers, NY.


Skil-Care has addressed decubitus ulcer prevention by developing a line of Bed Positioning products to help minimise shearing forces, maximise support areas and where needed off-load susceptible areas of concern.

The advantages of gels cooling effect is highlighted by studies that have determined that a one-degree build up of body temperature increases the metabolic demand of the tissue by 10% which in turn contributes to an increase in the propensity to develop pressure sores.

In Australia Skil-Care cushions & accessories are registered by HealthSaver with the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) and as such are listed on the ARTG (Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods) as a Class 1 Medical Device. Registration Number 165374