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Treat Eezi Testing

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All Treat Eezi products are CE marked & comply with BS EN 597-1&2: 1995; BS 6807 Clause 9; BS7177:2008 +A1: 2011

Test Reports

Stages of pressure sores diagram
Etiology of pressure sores diagram
Diagra of common pressure sore and bed sore areas

References :

Non-Invasive Techniques For Assessment Of Peripheral Blood Flow At Different Vascular Depths.  Jimmie Hagblad. Mälardalen University Press Licentiate Theses No. 131.ISBN 978-91-7485-014-7 ISSN 1651-9256.

Treat-eezi spells end to pressure ulcers article in AT Today
Screen Shot 2019-02-07 at 8.51.06 am.png

Read article in Assistive Technology Today. dated May9th 2017 entitled: "Could Treat-Eezi spell the end for pressure ulcers?"

HealthSaver logo Pressure Sores

“We have used the Treat-Eezi Pressure Care Overlay in our nursing home for at least 3 months. We have found it to be highly effective in providing pressure relief with the added benefit of no noisy pump and no need for a contingency plan should we have a power cut. Having trialled and carefully monitored this product we now feel confident in purchasing more, as and when we need to replace the old airflow units.”   

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